Thanks to these folks for making GoRuCo possible:
David Black

David A. Black is a long-time Ruby and Rails programmer, author, and trainer. Active in the Ruby world since 2000, David is the author of Ruby for Rails: Ruby techniques for Rails developers, from Manning Publications. He has co-organized numerous Ruby/Rails conferences and spoken at conferences and Ruby/Rails users groups in the United States, Canada, and England. David is the chief author of Ruby’s standard scanf library, and the author and maintainer of the official Ruby Change Request site.
Gregory Brown

Gregory is a freelance developer and free software advocate. He is the lead developer of Ruby Reports and has spoken at the International RubyConf 2006 and MountainWest RubyConf 2007
Full Bio:
Jesse Chan-Norris

Jesse Chan-Norris spends most of his time behind a camera lens, in front of a computer screen or on a bicycle. He has been a freelance technology consultant, lighting designer, theatre electrician and management consultant and is now the lead developer at Indaba Music, a new community bringing together musicians who are looking to connect and collaborate beyond the limitations of traditional recording studios. He also enjoys brunch.
Shari Halter

Shari Halter is a web developer/designer in NYC. After completing an MFA/Computer Art degree, she worked in the engineering industry on an unlikely, yet delightfully varied, sequence of assignments including railroad simulation, 3D CAD modeling and animated computer visualization, and later as a user interface designer/programmer at IBM's Watson Research Center. Before recently returning to programming and design, she spent a decade as an art gallerist, and raising her two young sons, in NYC. Speaking engagements include: presentation of her master's thesis at SIGGRAPH in 1994 and Contemporary Indian Art at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Chicago (2001). In 2004, she served as a member of the MFA Review Panel for the SVA Alumni Scholarship Awards. Although currently working mainly in other languages, she is an enthusiastic Ruby attendant and learner.
Jacob Harris
Bryan Helmkamp
Bryan Helmkamp is a young software developer enjoying life and recent import to the bustling metropolis known as New York City. Lately, he has been leveraging Rails with mobile devices with great success at work. In addition to technology, Bryan also always had a strong interest in politics, and is always looking for new ways to combine the former with the latter.
Francis Hwang

Francis Hwang is an artist, writer, and software engineer. An active member of the Ruby community, he founded Ruby-NYC in 2003, has spoken at the International Ruby Conference, and is currently a software engineer at Diversion Media. His writing on technology and culture has appeared in Spin, Wired, ArtByte, and FEED Magazine. His artwork The Unauthorized iPod U2 vs. Negativland Special Edition has received press coverage in Wired News, Art in America, and Liberátion (France). He lives in Brooklyn with one laptop and one big-boned cat.
Abhay Kumar
Abhay Kumar is a software engineer at Swivel and free culture / open-source activist. He lives in San Francisco but retains his roots to his true home of New York and his nyc.rb “family.”
Jennifer Lindner

Jennifer Lindner recently returned to New York after a mostly quiet and somewhat literary interlude in Minneapolis. A Ruby enthusiast, her technology background includes web application development work for Morgan Stanley and web application maintenance for BMW. She also likes to make artful projects with cell phone pictures and aspires to a household that includes cats and dogs living together in sin.
Luke Melia

Luke Melia is an enthusiastic practitioner of object-oriented programming and agile software development. He is the Director of Software Development at Oxygen Media, a cable television network, where he leads a team using Extreme Programming and Scrum principles. He is a major contributor to Tracks, an open source Rails application that helps people implement the Getting Things Done methodology. When he’s not coding or drawing on a whiteboard, Luke enjoys playing beach volleyball and spending time at home in Chelsea with his wife and young daughter.
Matt Pelletier

Matt Pelletier is a full time Ruby on Rails developer, instructor and evangelist in New York City. He is a partner at EastMedia, a software, mobile, and business development firm based in New York City. In conjunction with technology partner VeriSign, EastMedia provided commercial sponsorship of Mongrel for the Apache Heraldry project, where it serves as a key component of the Identity 2.0 Software stack. Matt is cofounder of NYC.rb, the New York City Ruby group.
Posted by Francis Hwang on Feb 10, 2007