Talks finally online!
Yeah, well, that took way too long: Our six talks from April are now online. We’ve put them on Travelistic for now because that allows us to control the quality of the encoding (not a trivial consideration when a lot of the video is small text on a screen). Here they are:
- Trotter Cashion: Contexts, mocks, and stubs, oh my!
- Paul Dix: Categorizing Documents in Ruby
- Jay Fields: Business Natural Language Ruby Systems (unfortunately, this video cuts off for the last 15 minutes or so)
- Jeremy McAnally: Going Camping (unfortunately, we don’t have shots of the projector, only Jeremy talking)
- Jay Phillips: Adhearsion
- Nick Sieger: JRuby: Ready for Prime Time
Posted by Francis Hwang on Sep 12, 2007